20+ Years Experience

Specialist Energy Management

Energy Management

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We are energy management specialists who have provided our services to thousands throughout the UK.

With experts based throughout the UK we can offer competitive prices and in October 2024 are able to get services to you very quickly.

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Your energy consumption directly ties into energy costs, and with energy price increases already threatening to catch your business off guard, this can add up to a lot in October 2024. A bad energy contract or poor energy efficiency is one of the most common unnecessary expenses for a physical business.

Our effective energy management solutions are designed to help you control your energy in everyday life, regardless of the property you own or the amount of energy you need to use. Our experienced energy managers can improve efficiency, reduce energy waste, and provide many other benefits.

We have worked with countless customers and clients that have needed help buying energy, including clients that have struggled to leave overpriced energy suppliers or poor contracts. Our work is aimed at making the entire process easier and helping you save energy in the long run.

Table of Contents

Why use energy management?

Energy-saving is not just about the environment but also about your individual consumption. The more efficient you are with your energy, the higher your potential savings become, and the less energy waste you create.

In theory, using less energy will directly impact how much you pay, which can quickly stack up over the course of a year or more. Many companies might trap you in contracts that work against you or increase the energy prices beyond a normal level, squeezing more money out of your wallet.

Good energy management is about improving efficiency with all of the benefits that an efficient business or property can bring. Some of these are very obvious, and others are not immediately clear until you realise that they are saving you time, money and stress.

Energy Management Cost

A basic Energy Management System installation can be from around £250- £400 for a typical property. The basic Energy Management System would include a smart/networked thermostat with a built in occupancy sensor to provide energy savings.

Paying for energy can feel like tuition fees – there are not always ways to reduce costs, and you will be paying seemingly forever. Thankfully, unlike tuition fees, you do not need to constantly let one company’s prices dictate how you manage energy for your business or home.

A lower energy cost means that you can afford to buy more, which can be important for a business that needs more energy to expand its operations or upgrade existing equipment. It also allows you to save more if you are still buying the same amount of power.

Our staff are fully capable of performing an energy audit, helping you focus on problem areas to reduce energy costs without disrupting your normal operations.

Energy Consumption

A major part of your energy management is the amount of energy that your property consumes. This has a practical impact on everything: the cost, the amount you need to have supplied, the risk of shortages, your ability to store more and the ways that your company can expand.

In most situations, reducing the amount of energy used will slash how much you are paying and allow you to save more money on power. Of course, if done poorly, you will have less energy than you actually need to support your premises properly.

Reduced energy consumption is not always the goal of good management – for example, you might end up consuming the same amount of energy but taking half of it from solar panels or other renewable sources installed on your property. This still reduces costs, but not through lower consumption.

We can offer multiple forms of energy consumption management and support, aiming to reduce how much you pay while still focusing on your company’s needs or your property’s requirements. If one method is not possible, then we can work on figuring out another that can have the same impact.


A major part of energy-effective use is considering how much your regular bills are. Trying to save energy can help you cut down on bills, but you can also implement strategies that help you save energy in other ways or cut down how much you are paying.

Even if your current bills are easy enough to pay, trying to save energy can help you save a little more money every month. This can easily add up to extra funds that may help with future decision-making issues, allowing you to spend more on important upgrades or expansion work.

We can provide plenty of ways to save money and reduce the cost of your energy, letting you focus on spending that money elsewhere in your business.

New Installations

Alongside the cost of your energy itself, your building may also need upgrades or improvements to take full advantage of the energy that you are getting. Some of these installations can be necessary for using energy more efficiently, especially if your building currently uses outdated appliances.

More modern equipment is much better at conserving energy, but getting those items installed can be a painful and expensive process. Our staff are able to suggest options that might help you make better use of your energy, but without draining your entire bank account in the process.

Risk Management

There are a lot of issues that inefficient energy management can lead to. For example, supply shortages might create situations where you can’t get the electricity that you need, making it impossible to run your business properly.

Good energy management allows you to reduce risk and improve results, making sure you are conserving energy when needed and that your supply will be a lot more consistent. We can identify potential risks and problem areas, then help you develop reliable solutions and workarounds.

Energy Storage

In some cases, we may be able to recommend alternate energy-saving methods, like using energy storage batteries. While niche, these can be important for any business or property that requires a constant flow of electricity but does not want to rely on an expensive generator system.

We tailor each of our solutions to the client, so we can match the solution to your needs. If there are certain energy storage or usage options that might help, we can support and advise you when you are trying to find something that suits your building or property.

Technical Knowledge

Our experts can make it much easier to avoid major accidents when working with electrical or gas equipment. Mismatched pipes and wires, incorrect voltages or incompatible appliances are always a major risk, but a lot of people do not have the practical experience to identify the issues straight away.

We can support each stage of the installation and help you develop the necessary skills to manage your appliances properly, ensuring that you are only using equipment that will work properly. In an older building with outdated wiring or gas supplies, this can be even more important for safety reasons.

If you would like to receive even more information on Energy Management services, make sure you get in touch with us today!

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Environmental Management

The environment is a very precious thing, and having a good handle on your environmental impact can have a lot of beneficial outcomes. Not only does it allow you to avoid harming the environment, but a lot of renewable energy options are cheaper overall than the alternatives.

On top of that, you can sometimes get government grants for any installations that are meant to help cap your carbon dioxide production. This might help you afford important equipment that you otherwise would not be able to, although it will only apply to certain things.

Sustainable Energy

There are a lot of reasons to focus on sustainable energy, but one of the main benefits is the low cost (after the initial installation costs). Relying on solar panels can be a good energy-saving measure, providing free renewable energy sources for your business.

However, not all properties are going to work well with this kind of energy consumption. A large part of our work is being able to figure out what works for each client, tailoring our solutions to their needs and requirements.

Carbon Management

When you reduce carbon emissions, you are improving the environment and your overall health and safety. Carbon reporting is a major part of your annual reviews, but it also factors into safety inspections, health checks, and the overall appearance of your business.

While this may not matter as much for a smaller shop, an employee who has a full-time job in industrial settings can really suffer if they are exposed to too much carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide is even more dangerous, so poor carbon management can lead to employees getting sick or quitting.

Climate Change

Managing carbon emissions has become increasingly important with the gradually growing threat of climate change. Regardless of how much it matters to your business, properly limiting your carbon output can help improve the nearby climate, as well as the world as a whole.

On top of this, reducing your carbon use can land you with extra awards, more PR opportunities, and potentially even word-of-mouth or a stronger social media presence. A lot of potential customers may choose you if you can openly display your green energy solutions and strategies.

Why is effective energy management so important?

Aside from the cost of the energy itself, properly managing your energy consumption can be important for keeping any business running. It is not just about controlling your supply, but ensuring good energy security (making sure that it is available) and allowing you to use it freely.

Good management is also about collecting data, which can be important for any decision-makers at your company that need to look over energy information. Knowing how much you use, how much you are saving and how much you could save is important for numerous different reasons.

We aim to take the holistic approach, suggesting options on a consultancy-by-consultancy basis. Not two clients require the same things, and the more information we can gather, the better our ability to help you save energy and reduce energy costs becomes.

Long-term energy management

Once an energy management strategy is in place, you do not need to get rid of it. It is always possible to squeeze more energy efficiency out of your energy management system, and that means even better savings in both the short-term and long-term.

For example, we can refine our energy management options over time, helping you push your energy requirements further and further without actually having a negative impact on your business. As your business expands, we can roll these energy management options out to your other properties or teams.

Every business needs energy, even if it is just to keep the lights on. With our variety of energy management, we can ensure that your company and property are able to cut down on costs while still running at peak efficiency, no matter how much electrical equipment you might own.

This also matters for future professional development. If your company is going to expand, then having our energy management services on standby can help you deal with the sudden changes that might come from moving to a new property, buying more equipment or opening up another shop.

Future professional development

As long as your company is continuing professional development and expansion – and you are continuing career development alongside it – you need to save every penny possible. A reduced energy cost and more control over your energy usage are important since this allows you to prepare for the future.

For example, cheaper energy saving you £10 every month can add up to £120 each year – not much, but that £120 can become incredibly important for a smaller company that needs to upgrade everything it possibly can.

In more extreme cases, this is even more obvious. Saving £50 per month for a total of £600 each year can buy an extra batch of equipment, stock to sell, or even pay each employee slightly more. If nothing else, it becomes a reliable emergency fund that you can funnel back into the company.

Greater energy efficiency comes with another similar benefit, too: it looks good. Better energy management can really make a company look better on paper since your expenses are lower, and you have more money to spend on important changes. This can mean a lot in competitive industries.

Why do I need professional energy efficiency management?

One of the more common issues with energy management is people who do not understand the energy industry. Our experts are well-versed in knowing how the energy industry works and how to reduce overall energy consumption in an effective way, but a lot of other people struggle with that.

Handling your own energy management can be a lot harder than you might think. Trying to reduce energy consumption without understanding why your energy consumption is so high can lead to issues where you are harming your own company.

We focus on training our staff to a high standard, making sure that they get all the relevant energy industry training, energy management training, and even senior management training as needed. This kind of training has to be taught – it is not knowledge that can be learned easily.


Energy management is very complicated, especially for company owners or individuals that have no existing skills in energy management. While reading e-books about the subject can help, a lot of material may be outdated by at least a year ago or more, and there are many skills that can’t easily be learned.

Our support and energy management services have provided help to countless businesses in the UK, all of whom have benefited from at least one form of energy management. Most of these company owners could not have handled their energy management without third-party help or experience.

While the basic principles of energy management might make sense, there is a lot to consider: for example, which form of energy management you need, which types of energy you can afford to cut down on the use of, and how much support you will need from other energy sources.

At Energy Management, we can assist you on the best options. Make sure you contact us today for a number of great Energy Management services.

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Common knowledge and misconceptions about energy management

While a lot of people understand the basics of how energy works, they do not progress much further than that. A lot of ‘common knowledge’ about energy is actually incorrect, and our staff training makes sure that we are always training specialists who know what they are working with.

For example, many people without training think that energy management is purely about reducing how much energy a company uses. While energy management is part of that process, there are ways to progress and develop new energy management strategies that do not involve this at all.

Another common fact we consider during training is the complexity of energy systems. Energy management can mean understanding how different pieces of equipment interact and which items or installation methods might waste the most electricity or gas.

The more information we can gather, the more we can support clients who might not have the knowledge or skills to approach energy management themselves. It is better to hire knowledgeable specialists than to risk damaging your own energy supply by making hasty changes.


Most members of our staff will be a chartered energy manager with the Energy Institute. The Energy Institute is a professional organisation related to energy and engineering, including energy management specialists – making each Energy Institute qualification very important.

Training and guidance from the Energy Institute have allowed us to serve countless different companies across the country, including clients that exist in completely different industries.

Working with the Energy Institute is essentially similar to getting an offer letter for an academic year, combined with a work placement. All of our key staff have successfully completed multiple training courses and often have other courses in progress.

Because of this, we can assure our clients that they will get good support from staff that have the relevant skills rather than a risky third-party work placement option. All of our energy management skills come from major qualifications, and many of our staff are moving on to a second stage of training.

What energy management services can we offer?

We have a huge amount of experience with energy management, from the smallest independent premises to much larger companies. Our staff consist of numerous experts that are all prepared to do an in-depth survey of your existing energy situation, looking for any useful options that might help.

No matter what you are looking for, we can tailor our solutions around the kind of work that you need to be done or the different requirements that you might have. For example, if your premises needs a certain amount of power to run certain machines or equipment, we can factor that into our suggestions.

Short-term energy management support

The most common form of energy management is short-term management, where an immediate problem is making it hard for a company to save money and still operate at full strength or efficiency.

Our short-term support is aimed at gathering up the most convenient, reliable solutions for whatever your current issue is, suggesting future improvements once the initial issue has been dealt with. This can be important for businesses that are struggling with their energy bills.

These ‘fixes’ can be as in-depth or as simple as required and are all meant to solve immediate risks. If you have a short-term issue relating to your energy usage, contact us and let us know what kind of problems you might need to be resolved.

Long-term energy management support

We are able to work with any client company long-term, offering more in-depth solutions that can spread throughout their entire company (if they have multiple properties or offices). This support might be helpful for a growing company that needs to save as much money as possible.

All of our staff are prepared to work with a single company for as long as needed. If you are not able to figure out your own energy issues, then we can work with you for as long as needed, making slow and gradual improvements wherever they are a valid option.

If you are stuck trying to fix your energy situation and do not have a long-term plan, get in touch and tell us what the issue is. Our staff are excellent at planning ahead and putting together workable management plans that can help your company for months (or possibly years) to come.

A variety of energy management services

Our main focuses always come back to our clients. Energy management relies on understanding what our clients do, helping them with their situation, and suggesting as many realistic, achievable improvements as possible. We can also put these solutions into action ourselves, as needed.

This means that each project is bespoke: no two businesses are identical. We tailor each plan to the individual company we are working with and try to design something that suits their needs, rather than a more general solution that you could find with a standard online search.

When you are worried about your energy usage or you simply struggle to pay energy bills, our solutions and management options are going to help rectify that. Each specialist plan that we create is entirely focused on solving your company’s problems specifically, no matter how varied they might be.

If you want to know more about what we can offer, then get in touch and talk to our experts. We can point you in the right direction and get you started with realistic, effective energy management almost immediately.


What is energy management?

Energy management is simply the process of improving energy efficiency within an organisation.

What features should I be looking for in an energy management system?

See below for a list of features to look out for in your energy management system:

How do I begin saving energy in my building or site?

It is very important that you conduct a site survey to gain a better understanding of your project environment. Secondly it is important to establish your project environment, requirements, goals and objectives before integrating your design software.

Why is energy management important?

For a list of the important reasons energy management is import see below:

Many businesses prioritise energy management because they want to reduce their energy costs. According to the UK government, savings of 39% were achievable through efficiency improvements across all non-domestic buildings in England and Wales in 2014. Consuming energy remains a principal source of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions which is the predominant cause of climate change.

How secure is my data?

Your energy management system runs on the cloud, your provider must give you a secure solution for your company’s data and the on-premise solution must have a robust way of working and protecting your databases. Cloud solutions and systems are evolving really fast, this is a massive benefit for a user because your system is constantly improving and getting better.

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Make sure you contact us today for a number of great Energy Management services.

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